When Wordpress is Disappointing You !

Serious problem is consisting with the continuity of Indonesia SEO (Search Engine Optimize) Championship. Like known previously, Indonesia SEO Championship which conduct by Indonesia Adsense publisher make the regulation confining which only allowed contest participant use sub domain.

The committee likely not guessing the problem which will happened by making contest regulation that clearly figuring third party ( take part without the formal existence cooperation.

Like frightened before, from assorted of SEO technique conducted by contest participant of course there also the blackhat technique used like spam. It is maybe the especial consideration of to close the websites which is suspected. Besides, there is also the suspicion; there is a report to from someone which doesn’t like the SEO Championship existence.

By this condition the committee finally makes the regulation change. The contest participant has to use the website with sub domain from their personal domain. The final end time of competition is also decline. The Committee remains to not allow the website that using free sub domain. And the keyword is still "ngadutrafik 2007".

Hopefully this matter becomes the great lesson and experience for next SEO championship management.


Check the Position

Last night I check this site condition and the result are the site hasn’t indexed yet. It’s not so surprising. From my experience on building site, Google is not so quickly indexed fresh site. Its need more days to be indexed at Google. Even one of my sites is lost from Google for second time. Anyone have the suggestion for me?

But this night (22 April) I checked Google again and the result the site is already indexed. I’m so anxious to know the position of my site on Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Like usually I checked the position with this great site, and the result are my site in number 79 on Google, Not Found at Yahoo (10 X 10), Not found at MSN. He…he…he (so embarrassing). I can’t wait to check my position tomorrow.

As you know I build this site for Indonesia SEO Competition with "ngadutrafik 2007" keyword. But after the committee are forbid another CMS be sides wordpress CMS to join the Championship, I’m so shocked. Discrimination, I think no. But, it is so unfairness and bias. Maybe the competition more correctly called Wordpress Only Indonesia SEO Championship.

But, I will still continuing this site just for fun purpose. No hard feeling


First time, So Refreshing

Tanpa bermaksud mengganggu jalannya kontes SEO yg sedang berlangsung, dan dengan dilandasi semangat untuk belajar dan berusaha meningkatkan ilmu SEO kita ke jenjang yg lebih tinggi, saya menawarkan hadiah yg sama bagi mereka2 yg mengikuti kontes tanpa menggunakan Siapa saja boleh ikut. Tidak peduli CMS-nya apa. Tidak peduli situs atau halamannya masih baru atau udah lama.

Untuk aturan penilaian dan durasi waktu, kita gunakan saja ketentuan yg sama dengan yg saat ini dilombakan. Hanya satu persyaratan tambahan dari saya, atau mungkin lebih tepat kalo disebut permintaan. Itu pun kalo berkenan. Bagi yg nantinya menang, saya harapkan untuk menuliskan artikel mengenai tehnik2 SEO yg mereka pakai, sehingga bisa dijadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi yg lain. Bagaimana? :) Bagi yg berminat, silahkan ‘daftarkan’ situs atau halaman Anda melalui form komentar di bawah ini ya."

and the end, so.....

"Dari hasil masukan teman2, saya memutuskan untuk membatalkan kontes “alternatif” tersebut. Dana yg sekiranya akan diberikan sbg hadiah kontes “alternatif” sebagian akan saya serahkan ke pihak MasterSEO sebagai tambahan hadiah bagi pemenang kontes"

Why Cosa?

the word taken from Cosa Site

Labels:'s Blogspot to Powerfull

I don't know why the SEO contest at least just exclusively for wordpress user. I have no idea why the committee forbids another CMS to join the contest. Someone can tell me why?

And now I just want to lay my head back and watch the contest ….

Maybe someone wants to make other SEO contest and let any CMS to join. Hope soon and I will support…

And for the last, I hope the wordpress win :-)


Hujan Turun, Waktunya ngadutrafik 2007

Belasan anak terlihat menungging dengan posisi kepala berusaha lebih didekatkan ke tanah. Tangan mungil mereka, meraba-raba tanah dan menyingkapkan rumput liar di tengah sawah yang belum dicangkul itu.

Sebagian terlihat sangat serius, sementara sebagian lainnya tertawa tergelak-gelak karena dirinya dan teman-temannya berlepotan lumpur sisa hujan malam sebelumnya.

Pemandangan di Kp. Citeureup, Desa Sukamukti, Kec. Katapang, Kab. Bandung Rabu kemarin itu, terlihat sangat mencolok. Pasalnya, belasan anak-anak tersebut tidak sedang bermain bola atau lainnya, namun mencari trafik.

Ya, trafik, serangga tanah yang selalu berbunyi nyaring saat malam hari.

Biasanya, anak-anak itu mulai "beraksi" saat matahari tidak terlalu terik atau mulai condong ke barat. Berbekal botol atau wadah sejenisnya, mereka bertemu teman-teman sebayanya sesama "pemburu" trafik selepas sekolah.

Sebagian anak, bahkan masih mengenakan celana merah seragam SD mereka.

Bagi anak-anak di Kp. Citeureup, awal musim hujan memang musimnya ngala (menangkap) trafik. Tanah yang lembek, memudahkan anak-anak mencari trafik hingga ke sarangnya. Suara krikk... krikk... di sela-sela rumput, adalah petunjuk awal bagi mereka untuk mulai mencari trafik.



Ngadutrafik 2007

in the begining, nothing. But ngadutrafik 2007 it's the first step to be a looser
